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Interest's area: Renovation

* The fields on the asterisk are obligatory
Before compiling the form it is necessary to confirm the reading of the statement on privacy practices in compliance with article 13 of the Italian legislative decree 196/03.
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Personal data collected on this website will be processed in hardcopy and electronic format for the following purposes:
a) a)In order to comply with your access request to the reserved area and to send to you commercial information;
b) b)For the marketing activities, including the use of business intelligence software and CRM or for sending commercial communications.
It is necessary to provide your personal data for the purposes referred to in paragraph a) in order to satisfy your access request to the reserved area and/or for the dispatch of commercial information, and your refusal could affect this possibility, while for the purposes referred in point b) it is optional to provide the personal data and a denial will have no consequence in relation to the purposes of point a). These data will be handled by internal staff and communicated only to our sales force and they will not be disclosed. As regards the data provided, you can exercise your rights under Article 7, by sending a written request to the Data Protection Officer of Studio De March.

Agreement declaration
Having read the information:
I agree that the personal data are used for the purposes referred to in point a)
(reserved area, dispatch of commercial information)
Yes               No
I agree that the personal data are used for the purposes referred to in point b)
(marketing, dispatch of commercial communications)
Yes               No
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