Banking and financial analysis service

"The first rule is not to lose. The second rule is not to forget the first. " (Warren Buffett)

The relationship with banks is often likely to be improved, it is common that the entrepreneur has a only partial and outdated vision of the usages of credit lines and the conditions that are applied, as it is common that to the plurality of banking relationships does not correspond the more rational use of credit lines obtained.

  • Bank charges analysis with comparison to homogeneous area
  • quarterly analysis of average rates applied, even in historical series. Possibly with comparison to homogeneous area
  • analysis and identification of:
    • TAN (nominal annual rate)
    • TAEG (effective global rate)
    • TEGM (average global effective rate)
  • compliance audit of contracts signed
  • compound interests and wear analysis
  • leasing contracts analysis and check of correct application of contracts
  • financial planning, in the start up of the informational instruments and in the elaboration of documents for variance forecasting and analysis
  • basic and advanced Treasury management
  • short-term liquidity risk evaluation
  • planning to use of lines of credit
  • interests calculation assumptions
  • evaluation of financing alternatives
  • research for financial sources;  negotiation and re-negotiation with the banks
  • corporate rating analysis according to various models of analysis
  • determination of  business needs, planning and management of surplus availability